Aerobika OPEP


The Aerobika is a drug free device used to help treat COPD, Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis. The small portable device relies on Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) to assist in the clearance of excess mucus secrections from your lungs.

When you breathe into the Aerobika device, pulses of pressure are created. These pressure pulses open the airways of your lungs and produce vibrations to loosen mucus so that it can be cleared from your lungs and you can breathe better.

The device has been clinically proven to:

  • Open up your airways
  • Improve lung function
  • Reduce COPD flare-ups
  • Reduce breathlessness
  • Improve your exercise tolerance
  • Not position dependent. You can use the device standing up, seated or even lying down.


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