Nox T3 Sleep Monitor
The NOX T3 portable respiratory sleep monitor has quickly earned an excellent reputation with thousands of devices in use worldwide.
The Nox T3 has become the preferred choice of the largest home sleep testing companies.

Nox T3

Wireless Sensors Unlimited Possibilities
The Nox T3 System uses Bluetooth® technology to create a wireless body area network to maximize patient comfort. This saves time during patient hook-up, increases patient comfort, and saves cleaning cost.
Audio Playback Giving New Insights
The Nox T3 has a built-in microphone, capable of recording high quality sound. This feature gives clinicians the ability to play the audio along with the other recorded signals, thereby giving new insights into sleep medicine.

Simplified setup Fast and easy hookup
- Fasten the Nox Device to the shirt
- Attach the thorax belt to the device
- Attach the abdomen cable to the device
- Attach the abdomen belt to the abdomen cable
- Hookup the Oximeter
- Put on the Nasal Cannula
- Wireless Bluetooth® oximetry
- Miniaturized technology
- 88g/79x63x21mm with battery
- Thorax & Abdomen RIP Effort + RIP Flow + RIP Phase for paradoxical breathing
- Integrated snore microphone with a true audio signal
- Gold standard PSG signals
- Check waveforms real-time
- No accessible connectors/Child safety battery door
- Full featured Type 3 device with Type 4 size and simpleness
- Flow signal through RIP effort and/or nasal cannula
- CPAP check
- Wireless signals: SpO2, Pulse, Snore
- Body position
- Off-the-shelf disposable or rechargeable batteries (AA)
- Includes analysis and reporting software
- Extended applicability: pediatric, dental, and ENT patients
- Simple patient hook-up and patient ID entry
- Fast data download
- Auto signal and report processing
- Immediate study results
- Extensive review possibilities
- Configurable data management
- Multi-night recordings